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Who's leading the Presidential race: Biden or Trump?

A new poll measures voter support for Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the U.S. Presidential election.  ...View More

Biden vs Trump The second 2020 presidential debate

Watch the intense showdown between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the second presidential debate of 2 ...View More

2024 presidential race heats up in Georgia as Biden and Trump rally ahead of primaries

With critical primaries looming, President Biden and former President Trump exchange sharp criticism ...View More

President Joe Biden, former president Donald Trump secure 2024 presidential nominations

The two will face off for a second time in the this year's presidential race. Read more: ...

Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to debate for US presidential election

Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to debate for US presidential election #USA #Trump #joebiden Stay  ...View More

Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody Wants | The Daily Show

Jon Stewart kicks off his Daily Show Monday night residency by coming to grips with the reality of A ...View More

Donald Trump on why Nikki Haley won't drop out: 'She doesn’t know how'

Former President Trump weighs in on Nikki Haley's decision to stay in the 2024 presidential race on  ...View More

Haley and DeSantis trade blows on immigration policy

At CNN's Republican presidential debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Ni ...View More

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